Last chance to share your feedback on ideas for new infrastructure such as toilets, bins, and parking to support NSW National Parks and Wildlife’s mountain bike track network in Kembla Heights.
The opportunity for community input focusses on the opportunity to hear directly from residents on the location and types of facilities to be put in place, to minimise impacts on those living in the area.
Since 2015, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) have worked closely with Wollongong City Council to investigate how they could provide a sustainable mountain bike network.
Not only is it important to protect the environmental and cultural value of the escarpment, the goal was to also provide a suitable mountain biking experience.
Wollongong City Council is moving forward to the next stage with two separate projects for mountain bike track supporting infrastructure.
From 3 April until the Monday 8 May, Community members are being asked to provide feedback on the Kembla Heights project and find out more by visiting the Our Wollongong website.